
18 juni 2013

COmic Money

apa kabar da pada mandi belum,,??
gw belum,
gw sempatin untuk ngeblog.
tw gak sie suntuk banget ,,,gak ada uang.
padahal hanya beberapa lagi mw liburan.
siapa sie yang gak butuh uang?
mau pacaran harus pake uang, ya iya kan mungkin aja nelp gak beli pulsa,
mau makan harus ada uang.
mau kerja juga harus pake uang, napa gak,,,beli make up, banyak la,,,
ikut sosek la, gaji tak seberapa. hufttt...
who does not know the money?
who does not need money?
of the unborn child into the world is in need of money.
money ....
was the one who sought peace and make the world,
it is human to survive, because of money.

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